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Why you should be using backed enums in Laravel

Another year, another new “killer” feature for the poor, embattled software developer to learn rears its ugly head. Fortunately, enums only take a few minutes to learn and can be pretty useful for standardising database columns. Are they going to change the world? Probably not. Are they going to make…

Automating your service and repository patterns in Laravel with command generators

“Why spend 20 seconds doing something when you can spent 4 hours automating it,” goes the proverb. See any professional proverbists around any more? No, because they’ve all been automated. Also it’s fun. Whatever your programming pattern in Laravel, chances are that the php artisan make:x command is going to…

Easier Laravel polymorphic relationships with MorphMap

Polymorphic relationships are a hugely powerful way to make connections between tables in a Laravel application. Say you have tables called companies, users, & admins and all three needed to store addresses, without polymorphic relationships, we’d either have to forego standard two-way relationships in an addresses table and just use…
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 items
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